Learn to Have a Conversation in ANY Language in Just Months

Start your Language Journey Today

Hey, it’s Merwan, aka the “Language Lord.”

As you may know by now, I’m fluent and can communicate proficiently in
26 different languages.

Crazy… right?!

What if I told you that I’m not naturally gifted linguistically, and I also do not study languages for a living?

“Okay… how did you learn so many languages then? That sounds impossible.”

Well… I hope that’s why you’re here and I promise you it’s
far from impossible.

When I first started learning a language, it was because I loved traveling the world and meeting new people.

The problem was… I was not finding much success when approaching people in other countries.

I was treated as an “outsider.”

So what did I do?

I did what any reasonable person would — I downloaded Duolingo.

And surprise surprise… it didn’t work out for me.

It was so frustrating and ended up becoming more of a chore than the exciting new endeavor I thought it was going to be.

It focused way too much on things like complicated grammatical rules and I felt like it was not productive towards my goal: having conversations with people.

There were way too many things I did not care about.

There had to be a better way.

So, after countless hours, I starting learning languages on my own and developed my own secret method.

Something you can use to learn any language in the world and that can be tailored to the specific reason you want to learn the language.

No more wasted time. No more fizzling out after a week or two.

And yeah, I named it after myself… the Merwan Method.

Fast forward…

I can now speak in 26 different languages and I learned every single one of them using this method.

I want to make it very clear…
I’m no genius.

I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say… if I can do it… you DEFINITELY can do it.

I’ve put together and organized all of my knowledge into two separate programs:

#1 The Merwan Method

This first program covers the science behind language learning and walks through how to approach, learn, and master any new language most efficiently

#2 The Merwan Method and Practical Application

Comes with bonus modules that show you specifically how to apply the Merwan Method for your goals (whether that be forming business connections or sweeping a girl off her feet)


Here’s what people have to say about the Merwan Method: